Poster Abstract Submission & Guidelines
- Abstracts will be accepted in English only
- All abstracts must not exceed 500 words
- A table or figure will count as 150 words
- The total word count does not include the title, authors’ details or references
- The name of the presenting author must appear first in the list of authors
- There is no limit to the number of poster abstracts you may submit
Poster Abstract submissions must be structured with the following
- Background
- Method
- Results
- Conclusion
- Keywords - Mandatory to include three
Poster Award rules
The awardees will be judged by experts. The poster presentation will be conducted both in-person and e-poster for Taiwan attendees and conducted in e-poster for international attendees. Based on experts’ scores from the conference day, three award recipients will be selected. Award recipients will be announced on the conference website and each will receive award certificates and prizes (1st place: $300 USD; 2nd place: $ 200 USD; 3rd place $ 100USD). If there are no suitable candidates, then some or all of the unfilled spots may be vacated. Those who get young investigator award won't attend poster award simultaneously.
Eligibility & award rules for the Young Investigator Award Link
(Younger than 45 year-old)
If you have any question, please contact 16th ASAD at:
Online Submission